
Ben Wilson

Ben Wilson

ben wilson This is the blog of a one Ben Wilson, a Louisville, Kentucky native who enjoys baseball, beer, music, bikes, things that fly and good food. By day he pushes pixels and makes the Internet happen for a local advertising agency. His wife, Kelly is an Ironman, and his baby Amelia is the cutest thing ever.

sunday! sunday! sunday!

So yeah, went to see The Matrix: Reloaded at a theatre up in Evanston. ‘Twas huge, it was! They do their concessions great up there, too — cafeteria style. The second time around, I tried harded to listen to a lot of the dialogue that flew past me during my first screening (i.e. the Merovingian’s speech and the Architect’s speech). Well, I still love it — not necessarily as a film standing on it’s own, because it does have it’s flaws, but as a very interesting continuation and expansion of the world of the Matrix. I won’t go into gory detail here in case you, gentle reader, have not seen this, but Nick, Hunter and Joey had some very interesting conversations about it. While there isn’t a clear “a-ha!” moment in this film like the first Matrix, the events and revelations in this film open up a LOT of new questions.

Anyway, The Matrix: Reloaded aside, after the movie we headed up to Wild Oats to get provisions. Hunter and I were going to cook Nick and Joey dinner as a bit of repayment for their hospitality. In your face, Project Improv! (they stayed with Joey and Nick a couple of weeks ago). Anyway, Hunter and I fashioned a tasty dinner of spaghetti and salad and tasty bread. Would you like to see it? Sure you would. Check the Chicago: Day Two Gallery (note well Joey’s perfect pancake). That Hunter sets a fine table. Wine was had. Corks were broken. Broken corks summarily extracted. Fine china was used. Hunter is “now a believer” of the tastiness of balsamic vinagrette. I consider it a culinary victory. In true man-fanshion, Hunter and I both fell asleep after dinner while Joey and Nick washed the dishes. I felt like my grandfather.

So today, Memorial Day, we headed out to the Friendly Confines of Wrigley Field to see the Chicago Cubs take on the Pittsburgh Pirates. It was a drubbing unlike any other I have ever seen. The Cubs were whipped 10-0 with a Pittsburgh 9-run eigth inning. We did, however, see Kerry Wood pitch effectively, but with the couple of walks and wild pitches (one of which allowed them to score a run) he certainly could have had a better outing. The eigth inning was atrocious. Cubs fans are known as a fickle bunch, but I could have sworn they were about to riot as the 7th run passed the plate. Many of those runs scored on walks, so that always riles the fans. Ahh well. Alfonseca had a 3-0 count on some guy, and he finally pitched a strike — and the fans went wild! Hah. Oh well.

The whole Wrigleyville area is pretty cool. Drummers and odd street performers abound. However, as evidenced by this picture, not all of the Wrigleyville regulars are appreciative. Check out the rest of the Chicago: Day Three Gallery if’n you wanna.

There are some loose plans to go and see Lake Michigan which is only 2 blocks away (you can see it from the street). Oddly enough, Joey and Nick have not gone down to see it. Well, we can’t have that, now can we? Probably going to meet up with a friend of Hunter’s named “Patience”, and perchance to see a Second City show. Oh, and Hunter and I are on our own tomorrow, so we’ll probably be heading out to the Chicago Art Museum, which is free and great. And while free things are always great, free art is even greater. Yeah. More later!

update: added more photos of us down by Lake Michigan to the Day 3 Gallery. (a good pan of Hunter on the beach awaits you!)

filed under General and then tagged as ,,,
May 26 2003 ~ 8:06 pm ~ Comments (2) ~


  1. Hi and Chuck and I miss him!!!!!! Nick, too! :(

    Comment by Danna — May 28, 2003 @ 7:38 am
  2. …while on the relaying regards tip, Nick apparently has a local (to us) cell-phone number, in case anyone should like to call him and say “hello” whilst Joey is gone in Colorado for 2.5 months. The alpine villa where Joey is staying may have a phone, I don’t know. Intelligence indicates that the town in which he will be performing as Seymour Krelborn in “Little Shop of Horrors” has but a single stoplight. Perhaps even a single horse. So, yeah, peeps should ring up Nick to see how he’s doing from time to time.

    Comment by ben — May 28, 2003 @ 10:02 pm

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