work bench

finished bench

Needing a large, flat, and clean place to build my Allegro-Lite, and having a couple of leftover doors in my basement, I set about to build a pair of workbenches. I looked for some free plans on Google and quickly came up with Building a Basic Work Bench. It’s a little smaller than what I wanted, and I already had a perfectly good workbench-top, a door (80" x 30") that we had removed from its hinges upstairs! 80" x 30" = 2400" square inches of pure workbench. So, with a rough plan in mind, we headed to Home Depot.

I already had one 2" x 4" at home, so we got 5 of the straightest 2x4.s we could find, and box of 3" deck screws. I returned home and made a quick plan (as you can see in the image above). It only took about 2 hours to complete, so I was happy with my spur-of-the-moment build. Now I have a nice, flat place to build the next sailplane I will crash! Some photos were taken and my rough plan was made with The Gimp, and you can see them in the workbench gallery.

plans, photos, etc.

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