IMS (instant manservant)

What the hell is InstantManServant?

Essentially, i was sparked with inspiration with Jamie Turner’s Py-TOC, which is a Python-written library to control and interact with AOL’s Instant Messenger service (called TOC).

The idea is to have this little baddie (IMS) run as a service on some machine you control, and it will be logged into AIM (or, in the future, other instant messaging services) ALL THE TIME. So, no matter where you are, you can interact easily with your machine. To really get it off the ground, InstantManServant needed to be modular, and so it is. Currently, there is just and example "uptime" module that will show you the uptime or your Linux/Unix machine.

Other ideas in the queue -- weather, bookmarks, email client, sql client, knowledge retention, etc. Well, download it, run it, have fun writing modules or patching my crap-code in the server framework :)