I’ve been having trouble with my blog, but here’s a posting that I may re-introduce into the proper blog:


This is a nutty pair of sentences that will sound quite ridiculous: There are a number of human networks that are/have been compromised.  Please take immediate action.  [May 5, 2007, 4:57am].


Here’s a link to an older version of the proper blog (hopefully, I will set things right sometime within the next week; the proper form hopefully will be reinstated): link  [May 5, 2007, 5am]


[[ Temporary blog-proper follows below ]]


For now, I’ll be using this page for my blog.  [May 8, 2007, 333pm]


Here’s something that can appear quite nutty: A distribution for interests (20, 40, 30, 5, 2.5, 2.5) (House Democrats, Christian Left, Christian Right, Religious Right, True NSA, Office of the head of the Executive Branch of the United States of America).  [May 8, 2007, 337pm]


Moral fasting in the hope to address distribution from immoral global income and the immoral global income itself.  How to address.  How to break the fast.  How to be moral in this world.  Please note the distribution of interests above.  No true s.i.  No true h.i.  Only fake M.P. .  [May 8, 2007, 353pm]


Two months.  I want to see how much I can contribute positively over the next two months to the world.  [May 8, 2007, 357pm]


I hope that this isn’t too weird or offensive: Dating Researcher Wm: none for 2 years; never with any who were officially associated with UofL before May 11.  [May 11, 2007, 455pm]


I hope that this isn’t too weird to blog: For the very near term (as in a very large obvious situation that many find themselves-in), I am not interested in any physical relationships with people whom I have met, seen, or have communicated-with.  [May 12, 2007, 1136am]


I hope that this isn’t too weird to blog either: In a very similar fashion to the 1136am post, I am not interested in introductions towards that kind of relationship through those same people mentioned in that post.  I think there is an obvious sense in which I mean that.  [May 12, 2007, 532pm]


Unfortunately, it appears that I had dropped a hand-written sheet that was preparation for today’s blog post.  I can only do my best to reproduce the contents of the 1st page.  [May 15, 2007, 751pm]


The text in this post may seem quite nutty.  To a large extent, the text itself is what is most important, as some high-ranking foreign officials may have evilly placed malicious meaning.  Please feel free to ignore this post if it doesn’t make sense: It should be clear that these are not necessarily real-time observations as I type text in this blog post.  As a reminder, there are no triple-tilde’s in this blog post.  It should be clear that nothing in this post serves as a directive of any kind; this keeps with conventions.  Perhaps my moral weight has been compromised; however, I will adjust and proceed with control of a particular network as before; perhaps good will come of it.  Apparently, public audiences in different countries (particularly China) receive different versions and narrations of RCC’s activities.  Unfortunately, reading audiences of this blog post in other languages may not receive an accurate translation.  It appears that certain high-ranking governmental and military officers (such as generals) in China and India take particular pride in displaying the suffering of others; again, their honor may be in question.  There is a sense of an honorable decline, an honorable statement in deed of the word no.  Such an honorable decline or honorable statement in deed might be the moral choice for any person.  It should be apparent that almost all of outgoing directives via physical movements of my body (to a particular network) have been faked.  It appears that certain kinds of technology permit the induced blearing of eyes as one might expect when a person is observed to have been intoxicated by alcohol.  There is a notion of serial fake M.P._.  There is a sense of stasis that I would like to address; it involves a conservation of my mental capacities, verbal capacities, technical capacities, certain kinds of normal movement capacities, and various brain capacities; as many people observe, the world is a very different place than what it was a year ago, in terms of technology that give insight into a person’s thoughts, transmission of such thoughts, and receipt of such thoughts by other persons; the same thought-related technology has come to reach a very high level of capability that can be loosely associated with a one-word computing term of prefetch; this same thought-related technology had until somewhat recently been associated with idea that persons will always be considered as transmitters; such transmitters of thoughts might be considered as verifiably alive as long as they keep transmitting at a certain level of quality or frequency; this sense of prefetch can also be associated with new technology that can overrun what was being prefetched naturally in a person; this overrunning could be used to produce the apparent effect of a person without a high level of her own thought control; this sense of prefetch can also be used to prompt phrases in words and thoughts themselves, as in brainstorming (a creative writing technique); regarding this thought-related technology, it is possible to anticipate what a person might be getting ready to think about and to prefetch their mental speech to change what actually comes out as mental speech perceived by others; in certain cases, a level of mental access permits individuals to a more intuitive non-verbal level of communication that was previously only available at a verbal level; this level of mental access may allow a person to pretend that a transmitter has no original thinking by using this anticipation to form mental speech of the person’s own; there has been a notion that this same thought-related technology can be related to muscular control, including that of os oscularis (this Latin term may be incorrect); such thought-related technology related to muscular control has been used to change facial affect and facial expressions; I’ve started to place myself into such a kind of stasis along with holding potential capabilities in reserve; ideally, this Friday (May 18), I will begin to exit this stasis as I will finally receive pay from my work since January 1 of this year.  There are times when I do not attempt to counter apparently harmless changes to my thoughts and body movements; perhaps it is best for me to conserve my capabilities to counter such.  There is a sense of holding potential in reserve that I should discuss to some small extent, at least with a few phrases: muscle recruitment, physical capabilities, concentration capabilities, specific mental capabilities, specific will capabilities, specific will-riding capabilities (including a certain kind of persistence), specific meditation capabilities, and specific countering-against-certain-kind-of-prefetch capabilities.  There is a notion of the four-word phrase of riding out the storm; such may be applied to affect, apparent mood, and apparent will.  I have positive will to live, no true h.i., no true s.i.  Here are a few phrases: higher aims; non-consideration of others for the greater and individual good; utilitarian metric with the same fixed floor to the positive value of any particular person; fixed costs, sunk costs, incremental costs, and moral return; personal gain.  [May 15, 2007, 949pm]


The text in this post may seem quite nutty.  First of all, it’s good to make sure to recognize that nothing in this blog page is to be considered as a directive, in any fashion.  Second of all, it is important to note that ‘I’ specifically refers to Rolando ‘Chip’ Cheng, Jr., and that ‘my’ is specifically associated with Rolando ‘Chip’ Cheng, Jr. as well.  Third of all, it is may be important to mention the notion of fake M.P._.  There was a highly undesirable facial affect that appeared today.  Fourth of all, I am aware of the possibility that there have been attempts to corrupt my blog.  Fifth of all, I came to blog tonight because of potential damage to my physical transmission capabilities.  This involves damage to left-side innervation to my vocal cords as well as other innervation.  Without this capability, it is harder to receive my transmissions without being easily detected.  This potential damage to my physical transmission capabilities seems to have come about most strongly tonight.  I think that this was important to share despite how quite nutty it was.  [June 7, 2007, 1154pm]


The text in this post may seem quite nutty.  I’m making arrangements to go to Washington, D.C., ideally from Lexington, returning to Louisville sometime Thursday.  (Right now, I’m in Lexington.)  There’s quite a bit of fake M.P._. that has been going on in me especially this morning; it’s a major concern, particularly regarding alertness.  (Unfortunately, my blog may have been tampered-with; I wish that such was not the case.)  [June 19, 2007, 858am]


Perhaps there is a person of interest named Dongqin_ Chen.  [June 19, 2007, 953am]


In mid-May 2007, there was a person with a name similar to Ming Li who was harmed by foreign nationals (foreign to the United States).  [June 19, 2007, 1010am]


On May 26, 2007, there was a high-level university official who was coerced and placed under duress by foreign nationals (foreign to the United States).  [June 19, 2007, 1014am]


I planned to ride a Greyhound bus from Washington, D.C. to Louisville, KY, with stopovers at Pittsburg & Columbus.  Instead, I will likely do so tomorrow, following a scheduled appointment with an Assistant United States Attorney.  [June 21, 2007, 616pm]


I plan to ride a Greyhound bus tonight from Washington, D.C. to Louisville, KY, leaving around 805pm and arriving in Louisville tomorrow around 1230pm.  [June 22, 2007, 452pm]


I met with an Assistant United States Attorney in the Washington, D.C. area today, at her governmental office near the end of either the Green or Yellow Metro line.  I plan to catch the Greyhound bus tonight, as described by my 452pm post.  [June 22, 2007, 558pm]


I am concerned that the fake M.P._. may have been getting worse.  I know who I have been throughout my life; I can only do my best.  I have near-term objectives (as in over the next 2 hours as well as over the next 24 hours); I have objectives over the next six weeks; I have long-term objectives (as in over the next few decades).  [June 22, 2007, 608pm]


I am concerned about how far the fake M.P._. had progressed.  I can only do my best.  I know what kind of man I want to be.  It is 6:27pm; I know much of what I had given myself today.  I have some things to decide.  I have some things I would like to share.  I might be writing a letter in the very near term.  [June 26, 2007, 6:30pm]


Perhaps this link to an older version of the proper blog would be appropriate: link.  [June 26, 2007, 1104pm]


Perhaps I will make a very important decision tonight.  [June 26, 2007, 1107pm]


I signed the letter and am about to photocopy it.  [June 27, 2007, 510am]